Saturday, January 21, 2012

Slightly more girl-oriented than normal so guys don't feel bad if you simply scroll for the pics and then bail :)

So we were very excited for our first appointment.  Based on basic pregnancy calculaters and my last missed period it put me at 8 weeks.  During our first ultrasound I think I held my breathe until I heard the heart beat and then they found the tiny tiny jellybean.  Based on the size and development of the fetus and despite my LMP they moved me to six weeks along with a due date of Aug 3.  It was cool to hear the heart beat and all but it was still so surreal cause other than feeling tired and crappy, you don't really look any different so you wonder if something is really in there. 

 Well that was confirmed yesterday for our 12 week check up.  We had an ultrasound and pin-prick for genetic testing etc and I could not believe how much more real it felt this time.  Maybe it was cause it actually looked like a person and not a jelly bean or maybe cause it was moving independently of me.  It was so crazy! I mean the mouth was opening and closing and the tech called him/her a rascal cause it kept moving throughout the whole thing so it took her awhile to get good pictures etc.  I can't explain the surreal feeling of being ever-so-slightly weirded out that there is a living thing inside of you (kind of like alien) and yet it is so cute that you can't help but get the warm fuzzies....

Maybe it's too early to tell but I feel like this little one already will have code's eyes and my little button nose.  Here's some pics:

Here's a pic of me-I have a small bump now, though it seems bigger in this pic cause I'm wearing my new favorite thing: a belly band so I don't have to zip my pants and these particular pants seem to give my bump more volume than it actually has but who knows...maybe I am getting bigger...but let's be honest we ate at Applebee's last night (thanks ashley!) and got appetizer, entree, and dessert so maybe that's why I look bigger, haha.  I just feel like it will take a while for me to get big cause the baby is so small and I have a long torso so it can kind of fill up before it sticks out but I guess we'll see.



When are you due: How many weeks?: Aug 3, 2012 (12 weeks)

How much weight gained: umm...2-4 pounds?

Size of baby: just over 2 in (half an once) about size of lime (why do they always compare to fruit?)

Gender: We don't know! (Code's leaning boy and I was leaning girl but now I don't know)

Latest food craving: FRUIT! DARK CHOC MALT BALLS! the puffed cheeto's spirals

Aversions: just over all "meh" attitude when it comes to meal time

Sleep: For the most part awful- can't get comfortable, my lower back is ALWAYS killing me and I'm constantly tossing and turning and trying to break any habit of sleeping on my back. 

Worst Thing about being pregnant: the low energy and tough mornings (i'm not a morning person to begin with)

Best Thing about being pregnant: feeling the excitement and love for our future and seeing code get more and more excited

The first person you told was: Code

Are you more scared or excited: excited

Happy or mostly moody: hmmm...I'd say 70% happy 30% moody (hot buttons: technology not working)

Last time you cried over something ridiculous was: last night-just wanted to feel comfortable

You pee an estimated __ times a day?: I used to go a lot more when I first found out but it's kind of tapered...I need to drink more water

Weirdest dream you've had since pregnant?: I had my baby-it was a girl and it was by c-section and my stomach was all loose and flabby and weird and the dr told us the baby weighed 9 pounds-a reality for some I realize but i really dont' think it will be for us...we're small people.

Movement: can't feel any yet but it's definitely moving as seen by the ultrasound yesterday

other symptoms: achey back, havic on my digestive/gastro side of things, crazy surge of emotions are possible but not regular, get winded easily, sense of smell, slightly more frequent headaches, more acne, and though I'm still petite little ol' me- parts of me are growing that well...frankly never grew which is exciting.  Now I know how all my friends felt at ages 13-15.  I always wondered...


then comes baby in a baby carriage

So if you're reading this and going "WHA?!" then you are not connected-the only positive aspect of facebook. 

It's true yours truly and code are about to be up to our elbows in cute and cuddly toys, onsies, and hopefully not headaches :)

I figure I'll start from the beginning with how we found out.  We had been "trying" for a month when I was late though I tried not to get my hopes up cause getting off birth control seemed to have thrown off my usual schedule the previous month.  It was a friday morning and it found me checking out at walmart with pregnancy tests and a bag of chocolates- still wasn't sure whether they would be celebratory or comforting yet.  First test- positive.  I had been so preparing myself for a negative that I never thought of preparing myself for a positive.  It's a crazy rush of feelings: like, really? are you sure cause it would be just too good to be true...

Looking back I guess there were signs.  At the daycare I worked at (emphasis on workED) we were having a turkey lunch for the parents and their kids a couple of weeks before thanksgiving.  The daycare was cooking 10 turkeys and the smell was everywhere and so HEAVY (not that a smell needs to be intense for a pregnant nose to catch it).  Now naturally I don't like the smell of turkey, frankly I think it smells like wet dog, but anywho, so I felt kind of nauseus from it all and my coworker who I had told of our parent aspirations to, gave me this knowing look.  Two other girls had recently found out that they were pregnant at the daycare and my coworker said it comes in threes, but I tried to not get my hopes up.  I cried during Regis' farewell show....that was weird....

After the news sunk in a bit I cried (happy tears) but it was short-lived and then I just got excited.  I instantly started thinking of ways to tell Cody who was at work.  I got a box to put the pregnancy test in and planned to give it to Cody like I had gotten him something.  When he came home that day we were rushed to go visit Nate and Andrea in college station but I DEF had to tell him before we went there so I wasn't the only one carrying the news.  At first he tried to feel inside and guess without looking but he had no idea and then when he looked he sort of laughed and said, "no way!" and the usual hugging and sinking in of news.  I have it on video and would post it here but Code is self-conscious about how he reacted so I'll spare him, but it was cute.  He didn't seem as blown away as I thought he would though and when I asked him, he shrugged and said "I had a feeling."

Now it wasn't the best going through all the major holidays during my first trimester but it really hasn't been too bad (except Christmas-being sick enough to need antibiotics while pregnant is not fun).  As far as morning sickness goes around 5 weeks I felt queezy off and on throughout the day but never bad enough to actually get sick and then the day we went to the dr for our first appointment and ultrasound at 6 weeks I totally lost it out the car window in driving into the parking lot of the medical center-yeah.....not the best feeling but at least a lot of people weren't around.  It seemed that I mostly only got sick on the days of our appointments cause I was up earlier and eating faster than normal.  Now I know better- I get up and take my anti-sick pill right away and veg on the couch until my stomach has stabalized.  Then I eat my standard breakfast of wheat toast with peanut butter and honey-the only thing in the morning that seems to steady my stomach.  Then I continue to sit there and let that settle for awhile then I take my prenatal.  By now it's normally close to 11 or if I slept in noon, but I don't throw up.  I figure that's what Live with Kelly and the View are for.  Then there are days where it's nothing...shrug, hopefully it's fully gone in a few weeks-once i get passed bfast I'm good though.

To avoid an INSANE long blog post I'll do our 12 weeks check up in a separate entry be cont...


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Important things that you learn in College...

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[wpvideo LX1phh1Q]

Ahhh College...a time when you're up late into the night studying, practicing until you get everything down just it worth all that toil and dedication? tell me:




And then there was the classic Ninja Rap learned to secure our victory in a costume contest for halloween....priceless...



I don't know which is better, the fact that I had so much fun with my friends in college or the fact that I still sort of remember these things and can one day MORTIFY my future children with's the gift that just keeps on giving...

have a tubular night!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking a Stand

So, with all of the different social and political things going on right now the subject of gay marriage vs religion and how religious people feel about it has come up a ton in the media.  I was watching the view the other day and they were reading an offical statement put out by the pope of the catholic church.  I watched in shock as they basically called the catholics unchristian...the pope....  I was a very carefully worded statement-it's not like the pope condemned all gay people to hell-they just simply stated their beliefs and doctrinal facts. 

Whoopi Goldberg used the story of Jesus and the woman taken in adultery in the bible and how He had turned the stoners away and showed compassion for the woman etc., i.e. how "christians" shouldn't judge others etc.  This is true BUT those called of God have an obligation to proclaim His word- just as Christ did.... if you would continue on with the story, Whoopi, you would remember that Christ also acknowledged that she was a sinner and told her to stop.  While He always showed love and compassion, He also never condoned or tolerated sin, and would lovingly correct and teach the will of the Father...and let's face it we will be judged by them in the end so shouldn't it matter what their opinion is? It's the principle of hate the sin, but love the sinner.  True, some christians have hard time distinguishing this fine line but just cause some people are imperfect doesn't mean that they are wrong.  And just because I don't condone the actions of gays does not mean that I hate them.

I just am sick and tired of hearing about Christians being attacked for proclaiming their beliefs when gays are encouraged to follow theirs....a double standard going on that is hypocritical.  Now I understand that there are mean-spirited people out there who are extremely judgemental and negative in what they have to say about our gay brothers and sisters, and I don't condone that either, but I do know what I believe.  And if push comes to shove and I have to choose between believing what society is telling me "is right" or God-I'm going to choose God everytime.  Sorry, Whoopi but I'm going to support a prophet of God who was inspired to speak out on this issue long before it ever really was an issue. This is the official statement of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Mormons everywhere on this issue:

                                                        THE FAMILY

                                             A Proclamation to the World

"We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.


All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.


In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.


The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.


We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.


Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.


The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.


We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.


We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society."


I'm not judging gay people or calling them out to repentance or condemning them.  I don't know how this is all going to work out in the end, but I believe that God has his commandments and that He also loves his children-all of His children.  I'm just glad I don't have to be the one to sort it all out in the end.  If I see a gay couple will I run up to them and tell them off for using their free agency in this way? No.  I'm sure they're nice people and I wish them well, but if asked I won't deny my stance on this issue, and not changing my standards to avoid standing out in today's society does not make me unchristian-in fact, it kind of makes me more of one.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

pweety pwease?!

Thanks to Cody's nocturnal wanderings I now know exactly the face our future children will use against me cause I know they are going to get his eyes.


He rolled out of bed clutching his pillow.  "Cody...." in my normal warning tone.  He turns around and gives me the most innocent, sad, and pleading eyes I've ever seen as if to say: "please don't make me get back in bed".  I couldn't help but bust out laughing.  He toddled over to the closet, looked in side, stood there for a minute....then said, "I forgot what I wanted to do..." and came back to bed.  It was just so funny and sweet all at the same time.  I hope my kids don't think I'm mocking them when they give me the puppy face and I laugh-it's just so funny and sweet :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

This is for all you night owls out there

I have always enjoyed the novelty of staying up late.  Even now when i'm not my rambunctious teenage-self anymore and get easily tired at the end of the day-I still like to stay up.  This explains why I'm up writing a blog post about being up-it's a well known fact that there's not a whole lot of productive things to do when up late.  Though I must say, when staying up late one starts to get hungry which, coupled with checking out a couple of my fav cooking sites, def inspires me for meals/things I want to try in the upcoming week- which is a miracle since lately i've been in a cooking rut.  It's fun to get excited about recipes and grocery lists-takes the chore out of the fact they have to get done.

I think my night-owl tendancy is stemmed from two things. 

One: i'm an introvert.  And as an introvert I really enjoy being alone-not that I, or any introvert, am/is a loner or anti-social (trust me I wish I had more girl friends all the time), but I can recharge my batteries by having time to think, ponder, have some quiet time-thus the late hours when all else is quiet and I'm left to my thoughts is a positive thing. 

Two: when I was growing up my parents always had bed times-strict conservative ones- but ever since i can remember, we could stay up another thirty minutes or so if we were reading in bed.  Thus started my love of reading and staying up late-frankly it was a win win situation for me, and why you can always find my nightstand piled high with books.  Currently I have The Best of Sherlock Holmes (highly recommend it! so interesting and witty-not that far off from the movies) and John Adams by McCullough.  Don't get me wrong-sometimes I read during the day but i'll always love reading at night.

Another perk of staying up late is that inevitably cody will do or say something that will either give me warm fuzzies (*sigh* "I love you so much...") or laugh:  For example, just now he opened his eyes pointing at the ceiling saying, "that's gonna get everywhere" or something like that as he started to get out of the bed.  Turns out he thought there were cups filled with fruit on display?.....that were up high.....and going to spill? shrug, I dunno but it was funny as he mumbled things like "danger will robinson" and then finally said, "I'm not sleep talking I'm just trying to be funny"  he's always very defensive if he thinks that I think he's sleep walking/talking which I find adorable.

Final perk of staying up late: when it starts to rain outside (which it is right now!) and you feel all warm and secure in your bed and can just listen to it-cause  let's face it, with my luck chances are it won't full-on rain tomorrow when I'm up to enjoy it.  Rain has gotten sneaky in houston lately.

So for whatever reason you're up...happy reading/internet browsing fellow night owls!


Thursday, January 5, 2012


I don't know what it is about odd-numbered years but I never quite get into remembering them-like even towards the end of 2011 I still had to stop and think of what year it was.  Low and behold the second it turns to 2012 I feel like it's always been 2012 and am instantly ok with it.  Clearly I prefer even numbers to odd or something. 

We traveled to Georgia for Christmas this year and had a great time.  Sadly I barely had come down with something the day before we left so I was pretty out of it through Christmas day.  Christmas night was spent at a local ER (the only place open) getting some antibiotics and the rest of the trip was spent feeling a heck of a lot better :) Honestly can say it was the first Christmas I was ever sick for.

But we did lots of fun things other than laying around and blowing our noses:

We went to the Atlanta Museum of Art-they had a cool exhibit Picasso to Warhol.  One of my favorites was probably a statue in their permanent collection pictured below-so amazing how they get stone to look like delicate cloth!  There was a cool statue outside that we all posed with.

After the museum we went to the Varsity which apparently is famous for being the biggest drive-in.  The food was ok but cool to say we've been there.

Later in the week frank, don, code,and I visited the family in Brunswick as well as grandpa Nolden's grave along the way. It was fun going back to the beach, ice cream shop, and the shell shop.  Walking along the beach we found some interesting critters too:

3 generations of Noldens:


Along with lots of games of zion's check, a Lord of the Rings marathon, and lots of good food we had a blast in Georgia!