So we were very excited for our first appointment. Based on basic pregnancy calculaters and my last missed period it put me at 8 weeks. During our first ultrasound I think I held my breathe until I heard the heart beat and then they found the tiny tiny jellybean. Based on the size and development of the fetus and despite my LMP they moved me to six weeks along with a due date of Aug 3. It was cool to hear the heart beat and all but it was still so surreal cause other than feeling tired and crappy, you don't really look any different so you wonder if something is really in there.
Well that was confirmed yesterday for our 12 week check up. We had an ultrasound and pin-prick for genetic testing etc and I could not believe how much more real it felt this time. Maybe it was cause it actually looked like a person and not a jelly bean or maybe cause it was moving independently of me. It was so crazy! I mean the mouth was opening and closing and the tech called him/her a rascal cause it kept moving throughout the whole thing so it took her awhile to get good pictures etc. I can't explain the surreal feeling of being ever-so-slightly weirded out that there is a living thing inside of you (kind of like alien) and yet it is so cute that you can't help but get the warm fuzzies....
Maybe it's too early to tell but I feel like this little one already will have code's eyes and my little button nose. Here's some pics:
Here's a pic of me-I have a small bump now, though it seems bigger in this pic cause I'm wearing my new favorite thing: a belly band so I don't have to zip my pants and these particular pants seem to give my bump more volume than it actually has but who knows...maybe I am getting bigger...but let's be honest we ate at Applebee's last night (thanks ashley!) and got appetizer, entree, and dessert so maybe that's why I look bigger, haha. I just feel like it will take a while for me to get big cause the baby is so small and I have a long torso so it can kind of fill up before it sticks out but I guess we'll see.
When are you due: How many weeks?: Aug 3, 2012 (12 weeks)
How much weight gained: umm...2-4 pounds?
Size of baby: just over 2 in (half an once) about size of lime (why do they always compare to fruit?)
Gender: We don't know! (Code's leaning boy and I was leaning girl but now I don't know)
Latest food craving: FRUIT! DARK CHOC MALT BALLS! the puffed cheeto's spirals
Aversions: just over all "meh" attitude when it comes to meal time
Sleep: For the most part awful- can't get comfortable, my lower back is ALWAYS killing me and I'm constantly tossing and turning and trying to break any habit of sleeping on my back.
Worst Thing about being pregnant: the low energy and tough mornings (i'm not a morning person to begin with)
Best Thing about being pregnant: feeling the excitement and love for our future and seeing code get more and more excited
The first person you told was: Code
Are you more scared or excited: excited
Happy or mostly moody: hmmm...I'd say 70% happy 30% moody (hot buttons: technology not working)
Last time you cried over something ridiculous was: last night-just wanted to feel comfortable
You pee an estimated __ times a day?: I used to go a lot more when I first found out but it's kind of tapered...I need to drink more water
Weirdest dream you've had since pregnant?: I had my baby-it was a girl and it was by c-section and my stomach was all loose and flabby and weird and the dr told us the baby weighed 9 pounds-a reality for some I realize but i really dont' think it will be for us...we're small people.
Movement: can't feel any yet but it's definitely moving as seen by the ultrasound yesterday
other symptoms: achey back, havic on my digestive/gastro side of things, crazy surge of emotions are possible but not regular, get winded easily, sense of smell, slightly more frequent headaches, more acne, and though I'm still petite little ol' me- parts of me are growing that well...frankly never grew which is exciting. Now I know how all my friends felt at ages 13-15. I always wondered...
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