Well this week has been...to say the least....interesting.
It started out normal enough, but Wednesday morning I woke up with Vertigo. I noticed it immediately upon getting up. It wasn't like my vision was messed up but whenever I turned my head left/right or leaned it forward or back and returned it to a center position I would feel like the room was spinning even if I didn't see it. It was AWFUL. Oh man...don't get me wrong, I liked vertigo the movie (hitchcock/jimmy stewart) but all positive associations end there.
I got progressively worse throughout the day and eventually started throwing up. Code came home early from work to help cause I basically didn't trust myself to get anywhere fast in the apartment by myself, and even mom came over to help at one point. What sucks about having any sort of ailment during pregnancy is, it KNOCKS YOU ON YOUR BUTT. I mean, sure I would have been miserable no matter what but your body just cannot handle, it seems, anything out of the ordinary very well when pregnant-prolly cause it's already working overtime as it is and has no room for error.
I called the obgyn to let her know and according to them it didn't sound like anything that would be caused by pregnancy (like dizziness due to low blood sugar/pressure/dehydration etc), but an inner ear/head thing.
That night when it didn't seem to be getting any better we decided to go to an urgent care nearby, but as it turns out they can't really do anything with internal issues cause they don't have a lab etc (so what do they do???) so we then settled for the ER at the methodist hospital right next to where we live.
After checking blood pressure/heart rates-of me and kiddo and everything was normal they simply confirmed that I must have vertigo-that they don't really know why this happens and people can get it, it'll go away in a few days and they'll never get it again, or it can hang around for months. Well, if you know me, you know that you don't tell me if there is some sort of possibility like that-I have enough to worry about/be anxious about thank you. They prescribed me some anti-dizzy and anti-nausea pills and sent me on my way.
They had given me an anti-dizzy pill right then and there so we went home and planned to wait it out and see if it got better over night. I woke up the next morning pretty much back to normal. I was so greatful! every now and then I'll have slight pressure headaches but the actual dizziness brought on by head movement is gone to which I'm so grateful!
I was so grateful for Cody. He came home early, stayed by my side, brought me things to eat in between my bouts of sickness, literally was my support when I needed to walk somewhere, and even put on my shoes when it was time to go to the ER-I was really out of it. He even stayed home the next day to make sure that I was going to be ok (it's nice having a job that can technically be done at home so he didn't have to use a vacation day).
All and all it was awful but we're excited to put it behind us :)
In other less gross news we are working on our baby budget-I won't say what it is for fear already parents will scoff at it but to basically get us started I think it's doable. We're going to go look at some gliders/rockers today at some regular furniture stores instead of baby stores so hopefully we'll see more variety/quality.
2 more weeks til we know the gender!!!!
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