Monday, April 9, 2012

San Antonio

Remember the Alamo! I now know why they have to shout this to get people to remember it cause it's not as memorable as you'd think...but anyways, san antonio was cool.  We decided to go for a quick two day trip this past weekend for Cody's birthday since his birthday fell on a sunday and easter so we wanted to make sure it didn't get over-shadowed :)

First things first, we arrived, checked into our hotel, and walked a block to the alamo.  But first I had Cody open his first bday gift: a fitbit.  It's actually pretty cool. It's really small thing that looks more like a flashdrive than a pedometer and clips on your belt and counts steps, calories burned, stairs climbed, and even tracks your sleep-how long you sleep/how many times you wake up etc and in cody's case: how many steps taken.  Cody's been wanting to make little life style changes to be healthier and you can even record caloric intake etc on the app and it'll keep track of everything for you.

Anywho back to the alamo: It's not that big but it was cool to walk around it, and no, we did not find a basement (kuddos to any and all who know what I'm referencing).


After the Alamo we walked around the river walk.  It was really pretty besides the heat and we eventually met up with Nate and Andrea for dinner who happened to be there apartment shopping since Nate's job is taking them there after they graduate ATM.  After dinner code and I went on a riverboat ride-it was much nicer in the evening twilight than earlier in the day. 


After that we headed back to the hotel-my feet were KILLING me and we tried out our new swimsuits in the hotel pool.  Other than it being way busy with splashy kids it was nice just to soak and I look forward to swimming much more in the future.

stay tuned for day two of our trip...

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