Monday, August 26, 2013

she who must not be named

I'm sure by now all of you have heard the twitter around Miley Cyrus' performance on the VMAs.  I almost don't want to comment about it cause any sort of attention is positive attention to her-why else would she do something so horribly raunchy?  Cause it's easier to get negative attention and if in your business ANY attention is good for business than I guess she's taking the easy way out.  I mean, I guess it's out of the question to simply get attention for...I don't know....SINGING WELL??? apparently that's not enough-or, she's unable to, so she has to stoop to new lows.

I'm reminded of a story my mom told me about my Grandma Helen who passed when I was 2, but apparently was a very strong and determined character.  They were at Lake Powell on a skiing trip and they were on a house boat.  Apparently some guy water-skied by completely nude (first of all-so dumb of him-have you seen a wipe out on skis????), and Grandma Helen turned to her daughters/daugher-in-laws and said: "don't look at him girls, don't give him the satisfaction."

I feel the same way about Miley Cyrus.  I just want to say that I truly wish the world could just stop watching.  Stop supporting this kind of "entertainment" that...let's face it, belongs at a strip club.  How AWESOME would it be if the ENTIRE audience just got up and left,  Stopped consuming this sludge-set an example to the rest of the world.  How great would it be if nobody mentioned it the next day-there were no tweets, no magazine covers/articles, no tv interviews-just nothing.  Everyone could just turn up their nose at it with a derisive sniff?  How quickly would she try to change her image?  Maybe she'd spend a lil less time in the gym and more time in the PRACTICE ROOM perfecting her craft.  I'm just so sick of all of it.

 I can safely say that I will never buy her's or other artists' music who regularly and vulgarly over-sexualize and exploit their bodies-nor will my kids (I'll see to that don't you worry).  We will talk about why they are NOT good role models- that they deserve role models with substance-who care more about integrity, virtue, and work ethic, because that's what I want my kids to strive for.

Sadly our world is flawed-people gawk, people snigger and gossip while at the same time craving this ridiculous sludge, and so they encourage it and keep it going.  I wish I could live to see the day when this stuff is simply not esteemed as worthy of our attention, but I know that won't happen.  So the best I can do, I guess, is to raise children who don't esteem it and put a few more good people into the world.

Will Smith's and his family's reaction is PRICELESS-you KNOW they had a family chat about that on the way home.  Now THERE'S a family who, though involved in the entertainment industry, still has integrity and values talent and work ethic.  Keep it real Fresh Prince!

Captions anyone?
"Tha's NASTY!"
"Oh no she didn't!"

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