Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Beginnings

well, the Nolden household isn't waiting til the New Year to start new ventures.  In the past month after a lot of research, fasting, and prayer, we've decided to quit our current job at Vivint and start a web application development and digital marketing consultancy.  Cody has always preferred working on his own verses for a company, and the stars seem to have aligned at the right time.  We were happy to stay with Vivint but too many opportunities presented themselves and were too tempting.

It's kind of funny cause everyone we've told has had pretty much the same reaction: excited for us while at the same time are like:'re crazy/brave.  The funny thing is I'm not at all.  It's just like when we were in Texas and then all of a sudden the idea of moving to Utah didn't bug me anymore/ didn't make me nervous.  I feel like if it's right, it'll feel right.  I'm honestly excited to see what Cody can accomplish while he's not held back by upper management/red tape etc.   Ultimately the goal is to get enough clients to where Cody (and his friend Brant-who he's going in on this with) can hire other developers to help keep up with it all and he will have time to create products/other ways to earn money etc.  It also helps that I have 100% confidence in Cody's ability to get any job thanks to his skill set/contacts so if it doesn't go well/work out we'll just get another job before we have to dip too much into our savings.  (Seriously, knock on wood, he's gotten EVERY job he's ever applied for-I mean we had to choose between 3 different jobs coming out of college-the boy's good, and it helps that he's good in an area that is really hot right now-technology).

So in a few weeks we will be moving into our new house, and starting a new company.  Life is definitely not boring.  My parents are coming for 2 weeks for xmas so we're excited to spend time with them.

On the home front, Jake has had a rough week.  It all started on Sunday when he started teething really bad.  He was MISERABLE-red cheeks, low grade fever, lack of appetite, and we could see one of his canines coming in right by his front teeth.  All day he was whining/crying/whimpering, and being held by one of us and sleeping.

Monday and Tuesday he continued to be in a bad mood but the symptoms seemed to be less.  Today he woke up in a better mood but seems to be congested/ has a bad sounding cough.  I'm waiting to see if he continues to have other symptoms/has caught a cold or if it's just from the extra runny nose he's been having from the teething.  Either way, we have basically watched a LOT of Winnie the Pooh.  To top it all off we've gotten a ton of snow in the past 24 hrs-up to 6 inches in the valley!  It's exciting and nerve-racking all at the same's been awhile since I've driven in snow-I don't like it when I can feel the automatic brake system kicking in.  So for better or worse we'll be home bound for the next few days.
Glad this mood is over:

We've put up our Xmas tree and so far so good-we'll see how long it takes for Jake to not listen when I tell him no when he inches closer to the tree :)

our porch:

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