Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Grasslands 1st

I just wanted to give a shout out to our new ward.  (Disclaimer: this doesn't mean that previous wards we were in were mean/not nice/not welcoming etc).

We have truly been blown away by how awesome and nice our new ward is.  Being an introvert, I am very much aware of the effort it takes to make new friends/become familiar with a new ward.  If I stayed with what I was comfortable with-I'd be instantly pegged as a shy/quiet/boring girl and so I've tried to make an extra effort to go out of my way in meeting new people/participating in ward functions etc knowing that once people know me THEN I can relax/be myself without having to worry about being put in the "shy" box.  (I'm not shy, I'd prefer to sit by friends/chat but also don't mind sitting by myself.)

The day we moved in our neighbors came over to welcome us, later that week we were invited over for cake and icecream (thanks zoe- we gotta get together for games!), and just after that we were invited over to play games with some other families in the ward.  I know, SO NICE.  We were visited by the Relief Society, Elders Quorum, and Bishopric members within the first two-ish weeks of being here, and our home teachers came last sunday.  I can't tell you the last time we were visited by home teachers-so excited!  I've been invited over for play dates/to come lift weights a couple mornings a week with the sisters and I've been to choir/want to go to the book club.  Needless to say, I'm trying to make an effort and so is the ward.  I can really see how powerful it can be to reach out/what a difference it makes, and so I have a new resolve to go out of my way to say hi to people but ESPECIALLY new people.

Code and I invited our neighbors over for dinner/FHE last night and it was really fun getting to know them and feeling comfortable helping each other out in the future if need be.  Jake INSTANTLY warmed up to them haha (they're not old but they're empty-nesters already so I think he was totally digging their grandparent vibe-he LOVES anyone that's similar ages to his own grandparents).  I think they'll become his pseudo- grandparents.  After we had gotten back from inviting them some other neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves-really cool/nice and we chatted for a little bit.  I'm just not used to this-I love being by extroverted people cause I don't have to do as much-they just come over and make the effort haha.

Jake had his first nursery experience and he did really well.  He seemed interested in the room with lil kids at first so we went in without a problem and sat him on one of the small chairs etc.  He started to sense that I was going to leave and started to get clingy but I handed him to the teacher-SUCH a sweet sister- and he cried...ok screamed...at first after I left but they said he calmed down pretty quick and was still sulky/but not crying for a bit and when they brought the toys out he was just fine (they have a mini basketball hoop).  I was so proud of him but I won't lie, I did enjoy seeing his eyes light up when I came to get him and him running to me.

We've already got callings but I guess I'll wait til after they announce it to say what, but we're excited/looking forward to them.  All and all we are loving our new home and ward!

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