Monday, May 11, 2015

Mothers' Day

I know that mothers day is a LOADED day, and I mean LOADED.  I personally feel really bad for moms who can't enjoy mothers day. (I totally get why women who struggle with infertility or mom's who have lost kids struggle).
But, Sometimes I wonder if maybe there's something wrong with me cause I look around at so many women who are just beating themselves up with little to no mercy over this day, and I wonder do I care enough/hold myself to a high enough standard?  I'm definitely not perfect.  I loose my temper with the kiddos-I'll be the first one to admit that I am a selfish creature.  But isn't that the point of all of this?  to be brought face to face with our weaknesses and shortcomings so we know what to work on?  I don't keep the house clean enough, etc etc, but...I don't feel THAT bad about it.  I mean, I do in a: I'm going to try harder tomorrow/ I need to work on that kind of way, but not in a I loathe myself kind of way.  Quite honestly I don't feel that that's Heavenly Father's purpose in giving us motherhood.  And, I feel that any rational person would have days where my kids would drive them crazy too, so I kinda feel justified. shrug.
Maybe this is a too simplistic way to look at it, but, if you are racked with guilt and feel like you're a terrible mom, well, you've proven you're not.  It's the terrible moms who are oblivious to the fact that they need to change/improve.  You're proving that you care a lot and really care about your kids/being the best for them-that's just proof that you are a great mom.

I love Mothers Day cause it helps me to focus on the GOOD parts of being a mom.  Are there days filled with tantrums, messes, and me wanting nothing more than to lock myself in my closet and binge on chocolate?  of course, but on mothers day I think back to those days when each of my kiddos were born, look at pics from back when they were itty bitty and realize how FAST time is racing by and how far they and I have come.  I remind myself to cherish this cause it's gonna be gone really soon and I'll soon be flying out to help them when THEIR kids are born.  It gives me a chance to bask in the messes, the emotional roller coaster, and giggles.  I'll get back to my OCD ways tomorrow, but for today I'm just going to be happy and content.  And I, for one, am grateful for this lil annual reminder.

Jake was induced and took awhile to show up in July of 2012:

He's almost 3, loves nursery and his lil pre-preschool group.  He knows his ABCs and the sounds they make (we're working on potty training *cough cough*). He loves cars, trucks, animals, dinosaurs and ROARING or making any kind of loud sounds, and he's never too shy to ask for hugs from his mommy.  Some of his favorite places to go are: the dinosaur museum, animal museum (any kind of museum really), and the farm country attraction where he can ride the ponies.  We love our energetic toddler that reminds me that the world is full of wonder!

Andy came a week early and we barely got to the hospital in time :)

Andy is 6 months old, and can roll from front to back and back again.  He can almost sit up on his own and is usually either fascinated or terrified of his big brother.  He's quick to smile and laugh-you can often trick him into switching from crying to laughing.  He has 2 naps a day and sleeps through the night and actually has some fat rolls (Jake was always too scrawny for that).  He really responds to the emotions around him and will cry if he hears Jake crying or will laugh if others are laughing-he's just happy to be a part of the group.  

I love my boys!

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