Sunday, September 18, 2011


It is amazing what a little sleep can do...or rather, what losing said sleep can do.  So last night we had the Jacksons over for games and to watch the BYU/Utah game.  I've never seen a worse game in all the games that I've watched over the years-and I watched throughout my childhood.  Now, me saying that doesn't make me a fair weather fan or mean that I'm abandoning my team, just as a parent hasn't stopped supporting  their child when they are scolding them. 

Anywho, it was fun though to hang out with and play with Elise and Andy.  We played monoply on their ipad-love this game on ipad/iphone!  Normally I don't like the game cause by the end I'm really mad and feel victimized when all of my money is taken from me, but this game for some reason presents it in a way that lessens the blow.  First of all, you don't have to do math (big deal for me) and it goes really fast-doesnt' take all night.

In trying to be festive for the game I made chocolate-covered pretzel rods  with cougar blue sprinkles.  By the end of the game it was all I could do to stop from the shoving one of them in my eye.  After the game I couldn't go to sleep right away-was too frustrated so I messed around online and finally ended up watching some episodes of GG (Gilmore Girls) online, that's when I know that I am desperate for comfort material.  Needless to say today I feel completely trashed.  Church was ok, but I just felt so drained, and things that normally don't frustrate me did today.  For example, I know that we've only been in the ward a few months and that it takes time to establish some really deep and close friendships-at least it does with me, but today in the third hour when Code goes his way and I go mine- I felt myself throw a little tantrum inside: "I don't want to go in there!"  Now, I normally really enjoy Relief Society (a meeting where the women of the congregation who aren't busy with the kids/youth of the ward have a class).  Everyone is really nice-I can tell that.  I just don't have any friends.  I know that it's up to me-that I can get up just as easily and sit next to someone, say hi etc, I just felt so drained today, I just didn't have it in me. 

Here's to next week

here's a pic of just some of our yummy treats from the game:




  1. I KNOW! We were there! And we didn't even leave early. I agree, this is no cause to abandon the cougars, but I certainly didn't blame anyone for leaving early. They have some making up to do. And we'll be there to see it on Friday!I know how you feel though. Last year when we lost to Utah I couldn't focus on school work for a week. Fortunately there is still plenty of time left in the season; I'm sure it'll get better, and not only because it can't get any worse!

  2. If only I'd known! I was up feeling frustrated and venting until 3:30 am!!! We could have had a pity party! You know it's bad when your dad doesn't even feel like yelling any more ...that it's a waste of breath! We had such high hopes too. I still can't believe how badly it turned out. I just can't fathom what happened. As far as RS goes I feel your pain. As you know ...we've moved a lot and it always takes me awhile to feel at home in a new ward. I think part of me needs some time to mourn the people and places I've left behind. There were even a few times when I felt like I didn't want to make new friends because I didn't want to have to go through it all again and again. But before you know it you slowly start to fit in and it isn't long until it feels like you've lived there forever. The best way to speed up the process is to find someone to do something for because it's those we serve that we grow to love.

  3. I'm just glad you had good treats. Can you imagine watching the worst gave of anyone's life and NOT having treats? Don't even try to imagine it. It's too terrible.

  4. I get you on the RS thing. I feel a little lonely when I go to church too. I think people still think I'm just visiting since I obviously don't speak Italian. There is one lady that is always so nice to me and tries to talk to me in Italian and I just smile like I know what is going on. I totally wish I could reach out and make friends, but even if I did speak the language, its just hard to be in a new place and break into a new ward or branch where everyone else already knows and understands each other. You'll get there, though. Keep pluggin' along... :)


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