Here's the 411 people. Here are things to avoid if you want to keep Whitney happy and not send her blood pressure through the roof. In short, here are my hot buttons-there aren't that many but the few I do have well...let's just say "hot" isn't really accurate....more like "molten lava" buttons. There's no stopping the wrath. All I can do is clench my teeth shut and wait for it to pass and hope that it doesn't turn into a pounding headache or that I won't blow up at poor code while he tries to fix it. They are as follows:
1. Technology not being able to perform simple tasks that it's usually supposed to.
*For example: the videos of jake that will hopefully be below by the time you read this- took upwards to an hour to upload....for ONE VIDEO. Now, if it were just a matter of slow uploading, fine I could deal, but no-most of that time was trying to actually get the video from my phone into blogger. Apple is full of clearly smart people. They invented the icloud and photo stream. How hard would it have been to include a VIDEO OPTION for streaming?! It's the SAME CONCEPT!!! but no, it's only photos so I have to import them into iphotos by using the stupid chord. fine. I do that. Then I try to upload the videos from iphoto into blogger but that wouldn't work for some reason. So then we export the videos onto my desktop and THEN upload them into blogger. I'll let you know if it worked if it EVER GETS DONE UPLOADING! and let me remind you- all I wanted was to PUT A VIDEO ON MY BLOG. GASP-how high tech of's 2012 people! this should not be this hard! All that's not to mention the stupid google+ apps I put on my phone and laptop cause it said I could upload straight from my phone to blogger.....of course once I got the app it did diddly-squat from what I could tell and is NOT intuitive at all...sure I could upload photos etc to google+ but why would I do that? that's not blogger, if I'm going to upload my photos to a middle program before getting it into blogger I might as well just upload them to iphoto....that is if it would work...
moving on!
2. Traffic. duh 'nuf said.
That's pretty much it....BYU losing used to be one-just ask code. If BYU lost I was not a fun person to be around for the rest of the night. Somehow I got over that one-learned how to detach myself...prolly out of self preservation-cause I will be watching BYU sports for the rest of my life and fall is too great of a season to ruin with being mad every other weekend. (though that having been said, come on mendenhall-really? If nelson isn't healthy (which he CLEARLY isn't) don't punish the rest of the team by saying: but he's such a good guy-take him out! last time I checked "being a good guy" is not part of the requirements for a good quarterback that wins games-being able to complete a dang pass and not throw a bagillion interceptions are. Don't get me wrong, he seems great- and I'm sorry that he's hurting right now but it's not fair to the rest of the team/fans to keep putting him in. ok, rant done.
Enjoy the many different faces/personalities of our lil man:
sorry, would be more videos but nothing works. I even tried vimeo-after 30 min it's only 30% done uploading a 1 min video.....yeah....
He's so cute thanks for taking the extra time and effort to post this. It was so worth it! I was cracking up watching him looking so ravenous then all of a sudden ...zzzzz!