Friday, September 28, 2012

Life is Crazy

It's amazing how quickly life can accelerate and just take off on you.  For example, here's a typical week's schedule in the Nolden household:
(I'm just talking evenings cause our days are pretty much the same-code work and whit-jacob)
Mon: Family Night
Tues: all three of us go to the bear creek building to teach stake mission prep (you know, all those young men in suits and ties knocking on your doors asking if they can talk to you about the mormon church? well we help them prepare for the training center they go to before they knock on your doors)
Wed: Code is at mutual (youth activity at our church)
Thurs: apparently this night, what used to be one of our few free nights, is possibly going to be taken up by calls to the far east for code's job-some weekly meeting for a project etc. and has to be in the evenings cause of the time difference. joy.
Fri: if we're lucky date night with lil jaker breaker tagging along
but the past few weekends have been taken up with fishing/camping trips that code has to go on for scouts (he's the teacher adviser).

Oh yeah, and on top of all that there's the whole being newly parents to a 2 month old so any time we're not doing the above we're spending with lil jake which is great but i'm slowly coming to the realization that I can't count "quality time with code" as alone time with code....cause there won't be any.  We only have one kid and we're still young and we're this busy/apart?  They say life only gets crazier and more complicated-then I'll enjoy what I have now I guess and hope the saying isn't too true in our case.


  1. I went camping with Jack and the scouts a couple of times when Colt was just as little as Jake. It was really fun. The boys are hilarious, the boys were so funny. The scouts also had to keep their annoying habits that the leaders dislike to a lesser level because of my presence. Camp it up Whit, do it.

  2. I would but I just worry about the serious heat we deal with down here other wise I would :/

  3. If they're still camping in nov/dec when it's decent out I will!


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