Tuesday, September 11, 2012

something old and something new

Last night I was reading a blog-not of someone I know, which is not usual for me.  I don't typically follow blogs of people I don't know, but someone I did know put this blog out on facebook and encouraged others to read it and the title jumped out at me: diary of a wimpy mom.  It was 2 am and I was feeding Jake with nothing else to do-facebook gets really slow in those early hours which surprises me cause with how crazy-obsessed with facebook the world is I thought I could count on having something new to look at for those early feedings.  So there I was reading this random woman's blog-that makes her sound old, she's my age but anywho, and I couldn't help but love her overall writing style and personality.  It really came out in her posts.  It also helped that she's a mom and talks about mom related things so they were entertaining to me.  11 months ago they wouldn't have been.

It suddenly struck me at how: A. little I write in here anymore, and B. little I enjoy blogging in general.

If you've known me for five-ish or more years than you would know that this has not always been the case.  I was a copious blogger back in the day.  i had a blog before my mission and a new blog after my mission that I would write in every day and I enjoyed it.  When I'd notice things througout the day or random/weird/sad/funny stuff would happen I'd write about it and looked forward to writing about it.

So what happened?  When did I suddenly stop looking forward to blogging and see it as a chore?  Was it since we made this "family blog" so I feel like I can only write about countless updates and stats that our friends/fam want to be kept up on instead of what I'm actually thinking about?  Not that I don't love talking about our family and our goings-on but...it's no longer just my blog so maybe that's why I feel like I can't just use it as a mental dumping ground like I used to.  As I was reading this other blog though, it really lit a fire and reminded me at how fun blogging can be and how much I used to enjoy it, so i'm going to try to start again in earnest.  So this will be about our fam, of course, but I'll also use it as my personal blog too....most moms do this anyway with their fam blogs right? cool. so here we go:


Below is a picture that all parents know well:


The booger suction thingy.  Now I've learned many interesting new insights into myself since having our baby boy, one of which being that I HATE boogers and using the booger suction thingy.  If you want to gross me out the quickest way is through boogers.  Keep in mind I am not generally a wimp when it comes to bodily functions (after all I grew up with three brothers haha- j/k eric, mike, and steve....sort of).  In the past two months I have been peed on, pooped on (we're talking projectile poop that I sacrificed my hand for so it wouldn't spray the rest of me....I could have made a perfect orange poopy handprint if I wanted to....tmi?) spit up on, etc.  

Now while these things make me mad, I'm not fighting back the urge to dry heave, but the second I hear something rattling around in jacob's nose I hand him to Code (if he's home) to deal with it.  He likes the sunction thing-thinks it's cool.  The other day he wasn't home and I could tell that jake was stuffed up and my stomach dropped at that awful rattling sound.  I looked and sure enough I could see the booger.  GAG.  So I get that stupid lil suction thingy and after four or five trys the gooey gross booger is stuck right in the end of that lil instrument.  Even now I'm grossing myself out just thinking about it-shudder.  I fought back the urge to gag and washed it out as fast as possible the whole time yelling "EWW!"

Where does this deep-seated reflex come from?  Kindergarten.  At least I think it was kindergarten...maybe first grade? or preschool?  suffice it to say I was young.  I remember we were gathering for something and sitting on the floor etc and I looked over at a fellow classmate at the WRONG time.  I watched in horror as she picked her nose (ok that wasn't that bad we were 6 after all) and then proceeded to eat it (THAT'S THE BAD PART!).  I still remember the completely gut-wrenching grossed-out feeling I had even then and that's the feeling I get whenever I have to deal with or see boogers now.  *SHUDDER*

I'm sure I'll become more and more desensitized to it over the years...otherwise I have a lot of gagging reflexes to experience in my future :(


  1. So true …being a mom is definitely not for wimps! Hah! I love that you are blogging again though I have to admit I have been on hiatus myself for awhile. I decided that if having one blog was great having two would be even better! I have one just for me and my random thoughts and another one just for family entries. I like the idea of being able to compartmentalize things, so this works for me. Now ...if only I could forget about seminary for 5 minutes and write in one of them I’d be all set!

  2. Hey hey! Thank you! I am so glad you are a reader of mine! And I'm glad you could pass the blog address on to other "Wimpy Moms" haha.


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