Wednesday, July 9, 2014

June- Vacation with the Engstroms

It seems like we are always traveling to see people or people are traveling to see us, and I've been telling people that it's just been a crazy summer, that usually it's not this bad.  But....maybe this is our new normal.  There's nothing wrong with it-while we can easily before anyone is in school etc.  Why not travel all you can right?  I mean, next month Code and I are taking a few days to go down to Tuachan for our 4th anniversary so it doesn't really seem to end haha.  Oh well, at least it makes this more interesting to read and keep up with right?  right.

Ok, so Code has had a best friend from childhood, they even roomed together at college etc.  When we were dating, Eric (bf) and his wife Heidi were dating/engaged.  They got married a few months before us and after we were all married, we lived in the same complex directly below/above each others' apartments.  We would get together and have game nights all the time etc.  So after we had moved our separate ways etc we tried to stay in touch.  So the summer that both Heidi and I were due with our first we planned a trip to the Palmyra area.  We rented a lil house by a waterfall on the edge of one of the lakes out there and toured around to all the historical sites plus niagra as well as played TONS of games.

Fast forward another year or two (we try to get together every other year), now we each have a 2 year old boy and both Heidi and I are pregnant with #2 (and both expecting boys again), and we plan a trip nearer to them since Eric is about to start his rotations/internship/something....  So this time we rent a house on a lake in southern Virginia/North Carolina border.  It was fun to catch up and hang out again.
It was also fun to see our boys hang out with their different personalities.  Aiden,, who was used to playing with bigger kids who always took stuff from him/intimidated him, took on that roll for Jake haha.  Which, isn't hard to do cause Jake is a complete push over and easily gives up his toys without a fight.  We can't wait for them to get older tho and be mischievous buddies.  Tho, we could tell they did love following each other around and would copy each other a lot.

We didn't really plan anything big to do this time, just chilled at the house a lot and played games during naptimes and after bed time.  We did try to go on a hike, it was way short and easy but ended abruptly when we started to find ticks on each other.  All was good tho after thorough exams and showers and laundry.

The house was fun- tho it's internet was really exaggerated online (barely worked), there was a ping pong table, foozball, and horse shoes outside that the boys (cody/eric) really seemed to like.

on our way!

the house:

side of the house with the horse shoe pits

back trail to the lake

lil Aidan

 walking to the lake

the floating dock

the guys went and investigated

 kings of the dock!

The lake wasn't really a lake that you swam in-at least we didn't seem to think so/didn't have boats or a canoe so it didn't really add to our fun adventures too much.  Here we are on a hike:

at a local restaurant

One unique thing that we got to do while there was go and visit my family's old house when they lived here back in 87'.  Obviously I don't remember it but I think it was one of the favorites of my parents.  They lived right on the Raleigh/Durham border, and it surprised me at how woody it was, but it looked exactly the same as all the pictures I've seen so that was kind of cool.  I refused to go knock on the door and have that whole awkward encounter-forcing strangers to show their home to me, but we walked around outside and called it good.

this: was from a lil horse path that ran along side and back of our property that shared a property line with an old baptist cemetery.  

was brought home here as a newborn, and 28 years later:

we also went to a free natural science museum in down town Raleigh since we're half way there at the old house.  Jake LOVED it and ran around pointing and saying "ooo!" and craning his neck to see all the cool stuff hanging from the ceilings haha.

It'll be fun to watch these two and their subsequent siblings grow up and change as we keep this tradition :)

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