Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wide Open Spaces

Nothing like the Midwest.  I  seriously love this part of the country.  Sure, the different coasts are fun to visit but if I had to choose a place to live for a prolonged ammount of time i'd choose rural before I chose urban in a heartbeat.  There's just something so pure and simple about it that is just peaceful.  So Cody and I went to Kentucky for a few days with Heather, Ben, and Emily.  It was basically epically awesome!  We went on a hike to a waterfall-em's first hike, we played lots of games, watched lots of mystery science theatre 3000, played a great game of werewolves, and went to a candy factory and watched them make red hots by hand.  It was so much fun and just the sort of chilling that we needed.

We drove to Ft. Campbell to pick up Eric and, now we are in Kansas hanging out with Mike, Jess and the fam.  So far Gracie has been sick and is now better, but Sabrina is now catching it.  We've had fun tho-playing with the kids and just chilling some more.  Today we are expecting some severe weather storms with possible tornadoes in the afternoon (not that I want the destruction of Joplin, but extreme weather excites cody and me so we're pretty excited.  (cody's never experienced a tornado before).  Also we heard that the US is supposed to have an extremely active hurricane season this year so maybe we'll get our fill of extreme weather in houston-shrug.  Though if I had to guess, I'd say we'll deal with some flooding but not much more than that-Houston never seems to get the brunt of those things just tons of rain.

More pics to come!


1 comment:

  1. Oops! I thought that comment would post here, not facebook. Anyways, it was epically awesome! Thanks for coming!


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